Revolutionising the building industry
Welcome to GRP Australia, a supplier of FRP products and services for industrial, commercial and residential applications. Glass fibre reinforced polymer building materials are lightweight, super strong and won’t corrode or rust.
They’re the perfect solution for wet areas – areas with high corrosion risk, beachside buildings or structures that are close to or exposed to water, rain, harsh sun or other elements that would reduce the structural integrity of traditional building materials.
GRP Australia provides engineering and drafting design services for a broad range of applications.
FRP Products
GRP Australia offers a range of quality products including structural profiles, moulded grating, handrail, custom profiles and accessories.
Commercial Applications
FRP building materials provide a modern, innovative solution to age-old construction problems.
Project Gallery
Take a look at how we've used FRP materials in Industrial, Mining, Commercial and Residential applications.